Garam Masala


Garam Masala: iSaltPepper
Garam Masla : iSaltPepper

Garma masala is the main ingredient of many Indian dishes. It is the powder made by grinding many whole spices together. Region-wise there could be some changes in the ingredients but below is the list of ingredients used in my family from generations. It is possible that some of the ingredients are not available in Indian grocery shops out of India. So try to get as many ingredients as possible. 

In India, generally, this masala is made in summer when you can sundry all the ingredients. It is always made in large quantity to be sufficient for the whole year and is stored in an airtight container. If needed dry roast all whole spices in a pan or a microwave before grinding. 


  1. Cloves: 50gm
  2. Black pepper: 50gm
  3. Shah Jeera: 50gm
  4. Dried ginger powder: 50gm
  5. Black cardemom (masala velachi) : 50gm
  6. Bay leaves: 50gm
  7. Stone flower: 50gm
  8. Cinnamon: 100 gm
  9. Baja Phool: 50gm
  10. Kapoor chini:25gm
  11. Nakeshar: 25gm
  12. Raampatri: 50gm
  13. Coriander seeds: 50gm


Grind all the ingredients dry (if needed roast for a few minutes) in a mixer. These will make around 600 gm of garam masala.