
iSaltPepper : Indian Cooking Out Of India

iSaltPepper: Indian cooking out of India

A collection of Indian food recipes using ingredients available in any typical European supermarket like Albert Heijn, Lidl.

Indian food does not mean only curries made with loads of spices. Indian food means simple tasty dishes made using easily available ingredients sprinkled with love. It's up to you how much salt, spice, and oil to use.

On this blog, you will find vegan, vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. The ingredients are tagged as European-grocery means the ingredients which are easily available in any Europen supermarkets and Indian-grocery means the ingredients that are available in any Indian supermarket.

Also, the recipes are classified as basic, medium and expert depending on the efforts needed to make it.

I hope you enjoy this collection of tried and tested recipes. Please subscribe and leave comments !!  Your suggestions are welcome !!

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