Vegetarian Masala Toast Sandwich

iSaltPepper-Vegetarian Masala Toast Sandwich


  1. Medium size potatoes -2
  2. Ginger - 1/2 inch
  3. Garlic - 3 cloves
  4. Tomato -1
  5. Onion - 1
  6. Lemon -1
  7. Mint - small bunch
  8. Coriander -small bunch
  9. Bread slices -4
  10. Salt 
  11. Paprika / red chilli powder 
  12. Tomato sauce
  13. Cheese slices -2 (optional)
  14. Butter (optional)


Prepare potato filling

  1. Boil and mash potatoes
  2. Make the ginger-garlic (2-cloves) mix paste. 
  3. Heat oil in a pan
  4. Add ginger-garlic paste, fry for 1 min, add mashed potatoes, salt and paprika as per your taste and mix well.
  5. Stir and fry for 2-3 mins.
  6. Garnish with some coriander

Prepare green chutney (optional)

  1. Wash and cut (by removing stems) mint and coriander
  2. In a mixer bowl take mint, coriander, 1 garlic clove, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, salt( as per your taste) and grind it to paste.
  3. Green chutney is ready


  1. Take 2 bread slices. Remove/cut sides if you like want.
  2. Apply butter on one side of each slice.
  3. On one slice spread green chutney (optional) 
  4. Then put a small portion of mashed potatoes on it and spread evenly.
  5. Put slices of tomato and onion on top of it.
  6. Put a slice of cheese on it. 
  7. On the other slice spread tomato sauce.
  8. Put this second slice on the first slice with potatoes in such a way that tomato sauce is on the inner side of the sandwich.
  9. Toast this sandwich on a pan with or without butter (Toasting is optional), cut it in triangles.
  10. Your vegetarian masala sandwich is ready. 
  11. With the remaining ingredients, you can make one more sandwich.

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